Building Wealth Using Debt with Matt Gouge

December 29 , 2022

 Expert CRE Secrets Podcast

Matt Gouge, aka Matt the Mortgage Guy, got his start in lending back in 2013. As a self-proclaimed math nerd and a people person, he burned his proverbial ships, leaving a steady paycheck with the State of California, for the commission-based world of brokering residential mortgages. He has excelled in the field because he himself is a real estate investor and he can advise clients at a high level.

As a real estate investor himself, he is able to help clients not only analyze the mortgage on their primary residence but on potential investment properties as well.

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Building Wealth Using Debt with Matt Gouge


I'm excited about our next guest. He is all things debt, wanted to help you save 1000s on your mortgage, and also figure out ways to build wealth using debt. He is from my hometown Sacramento. He is an experienced mortgage professional, and he has the knowledge and expertise to again to empower us as we explore our options and so much more. Please welcome to show with me, Matt Gouge.


You Nailed it, brother.


Well, welcome to the show, Matt, and for our listeners to get to know you for the first time, would you give us a little bit more about your story and your current focus?


Matt Gouge, affectionately known as Matt, the mortgage guy, has been in mortgage for about eight years, thoroughly enjoy, empowering folks through education, and I think that that's kind of like, what my YouTube channel is built on what my whole business honestly is built on is, empowering people to make smart decisions around their mortgage through education. when people understand how debt works, they understand how a mortgage works, they understand all the options, they're empowered to make the best decisions, and you've talked about, being a debt expert. That's kind of how I view myself, you've got a financial advisor, who helps you manage assets, you should have a mortgage advisor, it helps you manage debt, because debt is an amazing tool, and the proof is in the pudding with the millions of people that have used debt to accumulate, massive amounts of net worth, and so it's a chainsaw.

You could cut your arm off, or you could be really efficient at cutting down trees. Its debt is a great tool, but if not used properly, it could lead to some devastating stuff like losing an arm. I and my team are trying to help folks we deal with, people buy in their primary home, we deal with investors buying their 17th rental property, and probably everything in between, and, and most of it boils down to, like you said, helping them have a clearer understanding of how to manage their debt in a responsible way because we're probably both old enough that 2008 isn't that far away. There were some people that were over-leveraged overleveraged, setting themselves up in a bad way, and that's the negative example of debt, and then you've got, the people that have absolutely flourished over the last 18 months, leveraging debt in the correct way, and watching assets appreciate, versus inflation.


That's fantastic, and now the idea for what the show is all going to be about is all coming to me right now live, and I can already tell that the gift that you've been given, it's empowering people through education, and the expertise that you focused on as debt and you become a master in that, and now we're going to we're gonna apply all of this to basically my story, Matt story. I started in 2006. Matt, when did you start?


In mortgage end of 2013?


But you grew up in Sacramento during the time when the market crashed and things people were hit, and you remember the I mean, Sacramento is one of the hardest-hit cities in America. In fact, in Lincoln, California, I live in Roseville offices in Folsom, Madsen, Sacramento, this is all kind of the greater Sacramento area. Lincoln, California, in fact, in 2006, was the fastest growing city in America. There are more people. It was growing the fastest, and it was incredible around growth and a credit amount of appreciation, and then we saw the marketplace kind of just for people who were over-leveraged. Who that chainsaw mentality. Were caught either too many rentals or too much debt or lost their jobs. It was a tough time. They were hurt by it. But then the flip side of this. In the last five or six, seven years, people have made fortunes, right fortunes, fortunes, and fortunes, using debt and the proper aspect. What's the number one secret, Matt, when it comes to making sure that debt is your friend and maybe not your enemy?


I think people have to do it in a responsible way, and so a lot of folks will get into real estate investing, which is kind of my lane, and they'll want to post one comment. On one piece of content on social media should I buy in this market, and like that's the extent of their research versus, actually doing the work, and figuring out, what a good investment looks like, not just in general, but for them and their goals, and then tailoring the debt to match that, and a couple of examples I'll use for people is, somebody who's trying to build long term wealth, and doesn't need cash flow, they've got a steady job, they plan to work for the next 10, 15, 20 years. That's a different type of investor and a different type of strategy than somebody who says, I'm trying to retire four years from now, I want to build, a rental portfolio that spits off at least $4,500 a month, so I can have my bills paid and not have to worry about working, those are two different debt structures, two different, types of investments.

Everybody has to look at it differently, and that's why it's not a one size fits all, and just like any investment strategy, you don't have an investment advisor saying here's my one strategy, everybody uses it, you're going to be rich, you have investment advisor saying come to me, I'll look at you and your goals and your situation, and tailor a plan that's fit for you, the same thing happens on the debit side, somebody comes to me and, a lot of times we're trying to structure a loan for this purchase of a rental property. But to really do it right, I want to know what your future plans are. Is your primary and this investment, the end of the road? Or do you plan on adding to more data and planning 10? More? What are your, long term and short term goals? How do we, start walking that path towards those, and, anybody who's seen any, any kind of thing on like, the power of leveraging real estate, understands.

Let's take a simple example, you bought a house in 2018, for $400,000. If you put 5%, down and moved into this house, you were in it for $20, have a $20,000 investment. Most any place in the US, appreciated 30% over those last three years, and so you take the $400,000 house that's now worth 520, that's $120,000 in the net worth game for a $20,000 investment. It doesn't take rocket science to say, you six extra investment, and this isn't Dogecoin or some, random cryptocurrency, this is real estate, you can see it, feel it, touch it, it's real, and that's the type of thing that debt can help you accomplish. You don't have to buy the $400,000 asset of cash, you don't have to have 400,000, say, went up 30%. Yet, it went up 600% versus your $20,000 initial investment. You do the same thing with rental properties.


It's powerful. One thing we always wish we would have done is bought more real estate during the crash, and it's having that liquidity, and that and that hopefully that finance ability, with a good credit score, and then having that experience and have done the work, doing the work, understand the local markets, understand the opportunities, and then and then executing on those on those plans, and so I like the way you put long term worth versus do I need an immediate cash flow? and versus retiring 45 years? It's identifying what season of the wealth plan that we're in, and then tailoring the debt to that business plan into that deal into that to that part of your life? Is that a fair summary so far?


For sure. For sure.


Now I want to talk about maybe secret number two. Once someone sits down with you, and you're crunching those numbers, you're encouraging them to do the work you're empowering them with the education what would be step number two to making sure that you're building wealth using debt. By the way, you can learn more about Matt Gouge at If you want to go with them right now


That's actually a new domain, we wanted to save everyone the trouble of having to type out, you can still go there and find us but now it's a lot easier I did that for the people who have spent the money that you got to spend to get a four-digit domain but it'll all be worth it if I say if the next million people 22 seconds each. I might have lost my train of thought there. The next step?


The next time someone sits down with you. And I've identified this property this is my goal here I'm at what's the next step to making sure that they're tailoring you're tailoring the debt and helping them tailor their debt to the right fit?


On the stuff that I deal in daily In a day out, which is one to four-unit, residential real estate, you're going to have different options. 20%, down 25% Down, I mentioned 5% down earlier, because if it's a primary, that the home that you're living in, you're gonna be able to put less down. But if you're buying it as an investment, usually got to put 20 or 25% down, and that's, where we start to ask the questions is this the only one your buy-in? Is there more in the future, because you'll get better terms, but 25% down, but if you're trying to preserve capital and deploy it on the next investment, you might only put 20 so that you can save an extra 5% and get you that much closer to the next investment property.

It's those types of questions that are, steps three, four, and five, and what you're looking to do on those steps, is going to help me determine a plan for step two, once we've determined that plan, then it's, are we paying points? Are we not paying points? Are you going to hold on to this mortgage for the long term, some people are getting debt, and they know that they're going to flip a house or sell a house, and in that case, restructuring the loan, where we want a little less cost possible, baked into the loan, because you're selling versus somebody who says, I'm a buy and hold investor, I'm going to hold this thing forever. When I pass it down to my kids, then you can look at, maybe buying the rate down by a quarter makes sense, because you're going to save $52 a month for the next 30 years.


I think what I'm gleaning from here and if you don't have an expert like Matt, who's helping you make wise decisions with your debt with refinancing with purchase, anywhere from one to four units, you've got to build your dream team, and that includes a Financial Advisor, Commercial Real Estate Broker, Rockstar Realtor. For us, it's partnering, finding strategic alliances with commercial real estate syndications. Of course, the tax team, we want to be part of that helping you to defer capital gains tax all those things together. You won’t like us Matt of these guys with Roman legions. They have the shields, and each of us have our shield and our specialty and a little carve out with our spear, and the client and or even myself, like I want to build around me, the dream team or the executive team to help me make great decisions. Because when we stay in our lane and our focus and our expertise and our passion, we can do that we can have the highest amount of impact versus not having that, and so any thoughts on building the Dream Team map?


I think that you want to find somebody who does enough business, to where like them advising you. They're not swayed by like, I need a deal to close. I think that I and my team have always done a good job of that, and I've continued to lead that way and let my team know, we're going to advise people, what's best for them, and we're not going to worry about how many close deals we have this month and next month, we're trying to advise, at the high level, give people the best service possible, that's going to lead to future referrals, we're going to have an amazing 2025 and 2027. Versus like, how many deals can we shove into December 2021, and so you know, look for people like that, who have your best interest in mind, and the piece of advice that I would give, and I live by it, and I'm sure you live by it too.

Don't necessarily try to be an expert in everything. When I take tax advice, and I'm filing my taxes every year, I'm not reading the tax code. I'm not trying to understand this thing, exactly, I just pay the experts, and they're paid to be the expert to advise me, here's what you should do. Here's how you want to structure whatever it is with your tax plan. And financial advisor, the same thing, like it doesn't make sense for me, or for a nurse or for a tax advisor or police officer to take time out of their day to try to be like well versed in whatever mutual fund, they're investing in, just find those high-level advisors, pay them to do what they're best at, and to put it bluntly, stay the heck out of their way.


Hire the who don't be the how and you're absolutely it is and even in tax right there those because we work with CPAs but we don't file tax returns. We specialize in the Deferred Sales Trust a niche of the tax code, IRC 453 to defer capital gains tax on highly appreciated assets. Like it's super niche. Even a lot of CPAs we're training the CPAs they don't know about this. It's like I liken it to like the general practitioner. Where if you go to the doctor and he gives you the annual flu shot and the general checkup, he's gonna, but if there's like, you tore your ACL, like I did playing basketball in college. He's not gonna just perform the surgery, and if he was gonna try to be like, wait, have you done this? He's like, no, never done this, and I don't know I want that all the Sacramento Kings done Here's right who did Ruthie Bolton's Nene did this whoever's knee and that's the one I Okay, this is my guy and he's done 1000s of these right and, and that's really the fight that really the point here, you want to make sure you're working with the specialist who's so so in he's done so many deals has been through the blood, sweat and tears, he's never been to the 10,000 hours all of those things to create expertise to make sure that it aligns with performance aligns with your goals, and they can deliver. Is that a fair summary, Matt?




We're going to shift the conversation a little bit to Capital Gains Tax Deferral, and Matt said, previous to getting on here, but I have a question I will save for the show. We can start with first What's the biggest frustration you've seen with your clients as it pertains to Capital Gains Tax Deferral, and or the 1031 Exchange? And then we can maybe go into that question. If that sounds good, Matt?

Building Wealth Using Debt: “Debt is an amazing tool, and the proof is in the pudding with the millions of people that have used debt to accumulate massive amounts of net worth.” – Matt Gouge


First, like with all this appreciation, people are seeing, I'm seeing less frustration and more, the excitement around it, like, I mean, my wife can sell our primary net 400,000 and pay no capital gains. That's amazing and I'm seeing a lot more people taking advantage versus people being frustrated with parts of it. But the question I got, and I love it, when I get a question that I don't know the answer to, and I do YouTube Live every Monday do a Q&A, and over 90 minutes, there's always something I don't know, and I'll tell people, I don't know. But I'll get the answer for's timely that this question was asked, and then two days later, we're jumping on a podcast, if somebody is selling an investment property, I know the basics of 1031. But I always defer to the experts, just like I preached. I know you can sell an investment, and defer and buy a new investment. Can you sell a pure investment property, and then go buy a second home.


The nature of a 1031 Exchange is like-kind. What the IRS is doing, when they give us these tax codes to differ, or even like retirement like, like a 401k, or an IRA, the intent is very important in that you're doing it for retirement or for a 1031 exchange, if it's an investment, you're moving into like kind of investment property. You got to really clarify what's a second home? Well, is it a second home that you, it's your primary? Is it a second home, you're spending half and half your time in? Is it a second home where you're doing Airbnb for the majority of the time, and you happen to spend a couple of weeks there during the year? But if you were to look at it, the IRS guy comes parachuting in and lands 365 days, and each day he's parachuting in, is it Matt just living there, and not renting it, and, and spending, a big majority of his time, the sometimes it's Well, what if I'm only renting it for a little bit, but then the rest will? Again, what are they going to see if they parachuted every single day? We always really encourage people to just follow the law. If it's going to be a rental, make it a rental, doesn't mean you can't spend some time there with your family. But the majority of the time, it's Airbnb, and it's being rented out. That's what I would encourage people to visit, then answer the question.


I think so. Because the thing here is like, you've got multiple parties involved. It's like, how do I do right by the IRS, not commit Occupancy Fraud when I'm getting my mortgage, because, when they talked to me, I said like a mortgage Pro. what the lender is going to look at, is you sold the property? We are able to source those assets, of course, you can use those assets. On a second home. We don't have any issue with that, where you have to figure out whether there's a problem is, a CPA or professional that knows capital gains tax telling you whether or not that's going to apply to you trying to defer those capital gains from the sale of that investment property.


I see where you're going with it now. Make sure I clarify. What you're saying is, is and that mentioned, the IRS, parachutes down on the mortgage. And they're like, well, you're saying a second home, you're not saying an investment, like is that delineated on? And you're saying, it is like, if it's a second home, you're gonna be able to get a better interest rate or better term, better things versus just investment property, what's typically gonna require maybe 20% down or a larger down payment, maybe not as favourable. There is some grey area there for sure and that's where you might be taking some risk, and so and so I don't know that I've seen one way or the other on that. Like, I couldn't say for sure the Irish would say no to that. Or that's evidence of why it's not an investment home. I do lean towards the side once the funds are there.

What is the nature of the property once it closes? Whether however, you got financing private money lending, second home mortgage, and the ethical part of that, obviously, is another whole other aspect, but the actual law of tax deferral, to me you traded a rental property for a rental property, okay, and to me as long as it's a legitimate rental property. The Capital Gains Tax 1031 would qualify, I actually had a cousin, who was going it was doing 1031 was buying it, meaning it to be a rental, and then ended up moving into it, and then what happened he had just paid the tax. So they failed 1031. He paid the tax plus the penalties. I mean, that's the end of the day, that's just be prepared for that. You'll pay the tax, and you should, you should make sure you're following the laws. Now, I do want to mention, in the very beginning, you mentioned the 121 exclusion, making sure people aren't getting that confused with a 1031 Exchange, which by the way, is one of the best cap tax elimination strategies, which is called the 121 exclusion, where if you live in a home or primary home for to the last five years, and you're single, you get a $250,000 tax-free on the game and are 500 married.

In fact, for my wife and I, the first house we bought was $135,000 $35,000, in Roseville, California in 2011. Like it went up to $250,000. Within two years, literally two years, in one day, we moved out and all of that was tax-free. Now, if we were single, it would still have been tax-free all that if it had gone up another $250,000, it'd be tax-free. That's an amazing opportunity to sell high and defer the tax. Now above and beyond that, though, if you have if you ran out of excuse like we just did a $3.5 million deal in Cupertino, and she lived by Apple headquarters, and her house, I think she bought it for like four or $500,000, like 20 years ago, she was single. Above and beyond her exclusion, her tax liability was like three to $400,000. She felt trapped in her house until she learned about the Deferred Sales Trust that she was able to sell and defer all the tax and put it in cash flow and produce assets.

And so you can learn more about that at, on how that works, why that works, and how it can help open up opportunities to sell your house. But I don't want you guys to be confused about the 1031 Exchange, it does not work for primary homes, it only works for investment property. Whereas if you're selling cryptocurrency, a business or a primary home, the Deferred Sales Trust works for all of those and also investment real estate. That's why we would say a mat that the Deferred Sales Trust is the Netflix versus the 1031 blockbuster, going on a Friday night, 45 days to identify 180 days to close, and also only works for select assets, and you got to follow all these really strict rules. Whereas the Deferred Sales Trust your seller could sell a primary home or a business, defer the tax and then they could partner with the trust to go buy that Airbnb rental, all tax-deferred at any time. These are all the things we've learned about that. But that's enough about that. Any thoughts on that Matt?


That is that Deferred Sales Trust? Sounds cool. We'll definitely sidebar and talk more about that because I got clients that will want to learn about that. The only thing I was gonna say about you know, our conversation is I think that I probably side too, where it does make sense in that scenario we talked about with a 1031 Exchange because, we're at in Northern California, it's either to the mountains in Lake Tahoe, or it's to the beach in Santa Cruz. A lot of clients I work with are going to buy a second home, which is true it's a second home 234 weeks a year, the other 48 weeks a year, it's going to be an is like the kind in my head.


Nature is still there. The foundation of nature is still there just because you use it a few times. But if you look at it, it's there. I think you're gonna be fine. Great. That being said, are you ready to move to the lightning round?


Let's do some lightning.


All right. If you could go back to your 25-year-old self Matt at Sacramento high or maybe you're at Sac State. What's the one golden nugget make sure to tell yourself to do.


One golden nugget. My 25-year-old self does a lot more than just one golden nugget. But I would say 25, be consistent, and that goes for a lot of things that go for business and for life and relationships. It's an overarching important thing for me to remember which I probably wasn't consistent in any areas.


Could answer a second question. What's the number one book you've recommended to give to the most in the past year?


The one that I gifted the most? I have the pleasure every Wednesday like before we jumped on my buddy Mike Zuber he's got a channel in a community one rental at a time and for a lot of investor clients that I work with. They don't have huge goals of owning 1000 apartment complex, units. They just want to get 1, 2, 3,4 rentals, and the book One Rental At A Time that Mike Zuber wrote, and I'm on his podcast every Wednesday, it's just helping new investors get comfortable with the idea of adding a few investment properties and how much that can change their life. I've probably sent out 40 of those in the last year.


One Rental At A Time. This part of the lightning round strategy is the Rich Dad Poor Dad strategy. Imagine you read Robert Kiyosaki his book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, what's the one thing that you try to practice when it comes to Rich Dad Poor Dad?


I think that I've always had an entrepreneurial mind, and the switching of mindset from like, employee mindset too, to owner mindset to investor mindset. Like that's a strategy to, even in my current business, when you're a mortgage professional, who's calculating income and taking, applications and all the other stuff. I'm an employee of my own business, as the business has grown, that has shifted to where now, I'm running a business and I'm leading folks, and, I don't know if my business would ever become truly passive or have somebody else run it, I'm totally out of it. But, being able to step back sometimes and think about things from that perspective, employee mindset. Owner mindset, investor mindset is good practice, not just in real estate investing, but businesses that we run day today as well.


Second, to the last question, what are you most curious about right now?


What am I most curious about? I am very curious about the metaverse, I hear that there are real estate transactions happening in the metaverse. I don't understand it, which is the reason why it’s probably piqued your curiosity.


I'm curious sound to you call Matt The Mortgage Guy to get your debt on the metaverse stuff?


You want to buy a building in the metaverse call me? I don't know if that product is available yet, but coming soon.


Fascinating. Last question. After all, your success and all the people you've helped get mortgages and great, great, make great decisions with their debt plan and building wealth. How do you stay centred in your values? How do you stay encouraged to charge forward to reach new heights?


I mean, it never gets old to help somebody with the biggest financial decision of their life., I'm sure that there are some people making $10 million financial decisions. But for the vast majority, you're home, and getting debt, getting a mortgage on the purchase of a home or refinancing a home is the biggest financial decision anyone will ever make, and, from somebody buying their first house, to the person who refinances and saves $1,100, and is in tears because they thought that they were going to lose this house through a divorce. Like that stuff never gets old, and so for me and my team, we'll grow and we'll do hundreds of transactions. But at the heart of every single transaction, there are still people and so that to me will never get an old serving and helping people and like the feeling that you get from from from helping people. I love it.


Matt The Mortgage Guy, I want to thank you for being on the show, and that is inspirational for me. I want to encourage you to keep empowering people through education and helping them build wealth, with their debt in a smart, responsible way, doing the work and then you helping them to tailor the debt to their goals. For our listeners who want to get in touch with you remind them one last time what's the best place for them to find you.


Please head over to YouTube and subscribe to Matt The Mortgage Guy on YouTube, I'd love that. You can go to There'll be a form there to fill out or you can go to We've got an intake form there that's going to connect you with somebody no matter where you're at in the country. Tell us who you are, where you're at, look where you're looking to do somebody on the staff will reach out to you. I tried to make it easy, if you're looking for a Great Mortgage Broker, if you're looking for a great one, maybe somewhere else.


Thanks, Matt Gouge for being on the show. I also want to thank our listeners for listening to the episode of the Capital Gains Tax Solutions Podcast also stream on where we believe most high net worth individuals and those who help them they struggle with clarifying their capital gains tax deferral options. Not having a clear plan is the enemy and using a proven tax franchise such as the Deferred Sales Trust or the 121 Exclusion when selling your primary home. It's a great way to defer capital gains tax and grow your wealth, if you're struggling with cryptocurrency highly appreciated assets or businesses or real estate or a 1031 exchange, you want to have time and energy to buy deals at optimal timing all tax-deferred please go to and Register for Free Mastermind happens every single Friday 10 am PST and where we are sharing our secrets on the Deferred Sales Trust and we're empowering you with the strategies of in go to, and if you have a deal that's live right now closing the next 30 to 60 days $1 million net proceeds $1 million gain at least as the minimum you can go to and register for a free consultation with myself or one of my team members thank you for watching or listening to this episode please rate review subscribe and we look forward to talking to you soon.

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