Retire Early By Investing In Real Estate with Dustin Heiner

August 4, 2022

 Expert CRE Secrets Podcast

Dustin Heiner is from the great state of Arizona. He also spent some time in Fresno. He is the host of Master Passive Income, a blog, and podcast about investing in real estate and rental properties. It’s his desire to help you heal and help you succeed in investing in real estate rental properties. Master Passive Income is committed to helping you on your business journey by sharing insights into how to be successful real estate investing in rental properties.

Dustin Heiner’s desire is to give away as much free information as possible through his blog to help as many people as possible. He wants to help people quit their jobs and replace their income with passive income from rental properties.

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Retire Early By Investing In Real Estate with Dustin Heiner


I’m excited about our next guest. He's an expert on all things and how to quit your job by investing in real estate. He's out of the great state of Arizona. In fact, he's the founder and host of Master Passive Income, a blog, and podcast about investing in real estate rental properties. It's his desire to help you succeed in investing in real estate rental properties. He's committed to helping you and or your business journey by sharing insights into how to be successful real estate investing in rental properties. He values the story of each business owner and so much more. Please welcome to show with me. Dustin Heiner, Dustin, how you doing, sir?


I am excellent. Thank you so much for having me on the show, Brett. I really appreciate it, man. I'm super excited to share with people that they can literally change your life by investing in residential single-family homes to four units to triplex all that stuff. Thank you so much for having me on the show.


My pleasure to have you on the show. For our listeners getting to know you for the first time. Would you give us a little bit more about your story and your current focus?


I am definitely an investor, I invest in real estate, I was able to quit my job when I was 37 years old. I use the word job as an acronym. It's j. o b., because you're working just a just Overbrook job because basically, your boss is just paying you for the hour that you work and so I love passive income. Brett, I'm gonna tell you a quick story of how I actually made the decision, the change in my brain to become an investor. I had been very entrepreneurial my entire life. I had a paper route, throwing newspapers riding my bike banging off the garage doors. I actually had a graphic and website design company that started a skateboard manufacturing business, even a convenience store, and a pizzeria. All these different things, I started and realized that he was still working a job, and then I bought one rental property with that one rental property. I paid, I think a profit of like $350 in one month, and I said, I need to get more of these. Well, here's the quick story. I had been working at the county, I lived in California at the time. I grew up in California, I was living in California, and I worked for the county government there in California, and so as I'm working there, my wife had kid after kid, I've been working there for 1015 years, lots of seniorities.

Everything's going well, when my wife had our fourth child, she had her fourth child and I went on paternity leave. That's where the dad stays home with the mom to be with her to bond with the baby take care of, changing diapers, all that sort of stuff, and then I get back from maternity leave from our fourth child, and that same week that I get back, I get a call from my boss's boss's boss's Secretary like the top dog, his bosses or my boss's secretary said, Dustin, would you please come to the office? And I said, sure, I'll go ahead and do that. I hung up the phone and I paused for a second because I started thinking, why would they be calling me to the office? This isn't normal. This is really weird, and so as I'm sitting there, I remembered back before I actually went on maternity leave. A couple of months prior there have been some talks about a layoff possibly happening like the department's running low on money, they might need to do layoffs, and I immediately shook my head. I shook it off like no, there's no way I have lots of seniorities, I do a great job. There's no way I can get laid off. From there. I get up and I walked down the hall to my boss's office. Now, this hall isn't very long. But with each step, it feels like my feet are lead bricks, and the hall gets longer and longer. Because as I'm walking down, I start thinking, oh my goodness, I might actually get laid off.

As I turn the corner, out of this long hallway to my boss's office, his doors closed, and I see the secretary there and she says Dustin, would you please have a seat? I go and sit down and she's grinning at me very sheepishly. She's trying to console me with her eyes because she knows everything that's going on. I know zero about what's going on, and as I sit there, I start to realize that I might actually be getting laid off here all these years of working to build a career. That's all taken out from under me, and then what does that make me as a father? Does that make me a failure as a father a failure as a husband, failure as a man providing for his family? As I'm thinking about this, my hands get all clammy, my forehead gets all sweaty because the weight of the world is literally on my shoulders and then my boss's door opens up and out walks a lady, a co-worker of mine, with a piece of paper in her hand. She is noticeably distraught noticeably upset, but she's not necessarily crying. But you can tell her world has absolutely been rocked. As she passes by me, my boss says Dustin, would you please come into the office. I walk into the office, and the boss tells me, we're running low on money, we actually have to do layoffs, Dustin, you're laid off, I get floored, I go back, I'm walking back to my office, and I sit down because I realizing two things right there. But I realized two things. Number one, I need to get another job to be able to pay for the food on my table, be able to provide for my family, I was really blessed to praise the Lord to be able to find another job in the same county and another department doing its work.

That was really, really good. But the other thing that I realized, the second thing I realized was that I need to make sure that nobody could ever do this. To me again. That's why I eventually quit my 37 years old because I wanted to make sure that I was completely independent. What I started doing from that point forward was buying rental property after rental property after rental property at my new job. From that point forward, sitting on my desk, I said Dustin, I'm always going to tell people, my value is that I am an investor, it may so happen that I still have 100% of my money coming from my part-time job. It's my full-time job, but I call it my part-time job. Now I realize I am an investor. From that point forward, I started telling every single person that I met instead of when they asked me, Dustin, what do you do? I would normally say, I work for the county, I do it work instead. Now I literally said I am an investor, and from that point forward, I literally changed my life, and this is the thing everybody needs to realize your boss is only paying you enough to keep you working without quitting, but not so much that takes money out of their pocket. You are worth so much more than anybody could ever pay you now round out the story to share this bread as I was walking to my boss's office to get laid off.

That was the worst walk I've ever taken. When I went to my new boss's office after another couple of years of working there for five years, I gave him a layoff. Notice I said I'm basic. I didn't say this, but I was like, here are my two weeks I am done, and then I walked to my cars about a mile and half walked to my car because I didn't want to pay was downtown Park and I want to pay for fees for parking. But I walk to my car, then a 1000s of times, it feels like I'm walking on clouds, and because I look back I said I will never ever have a job again, and buying property after property allowed me to literally never work a job because I have so much passive income coming in from my properties, and I don't work I literally don't I don't work 30 minutes a day, I don't work 30 minutes a week or even 30 minutes a month, I worked like 30 minutes in just entire like two or three months at a time because I just get my property manager statements, look at making sure everything was okay and put them away. That's how I became successful unemployed at 37 years old.


Fantastic, Dustin what a story, and now that I'm going back through my notes here, I'm realizing I actually had Dustin on five months ago, and he talked about changing your life with rental property, which he just encapsulated right there. That's like the mini part of that full episode, and so we're gonna make it a little shift here, and so if you want to go back and hear the rest of the story about the practical steps to go and do that, you can go to my YouTube Channel or search Capital Gains Tax Solutions on iTunes and search for change your life with rental property and real estate investing with Dustin Heiner. In this episode, we are now going to shift a little bit and I want to talk a little bit about Podcasting YouTube Channel. Taking what you've learned, and now you're doing the coaching and now you're doing and you're doing mentoring, and you're giving back. But just talk about your journey from the first video because I get this a lot now to Dustin where people are like, you're good on video, you're good on this podcast, and I'm like, you should just tell me in the beginning, you seem so natural, and I'm like, it was bad. Like, I mean, the lighting was bad I was looking on no camera was the whole setting was bad. He slowly up. talking about the thought the thought about when you started, and then how you've leveled up along the way to be where you're at is with being an excellent, excellent communicator that you are.


Thank you. As I was quitting my job, I was telling everybody that I was quitting, and they would always ask me, even my boss would ask me, well, what are you going to do? Or say, Well, I'm not going to do anything, I invest in real estate, and from that point forward, friends and family members, when I would tell them I'm quitting, they would ask me the first question, what do you do I invest in real estate? The second question always came right after that, well, can you show me how to do that I want to learn how to invest in real estate. I started really coaching friends and family members, one on one, people in my church, family members, and just friends that I know, teaching them one on one how to invest in real estate. From that I started realizing, oh my goodness, I enjoy doing this. But at the same time, it takes so much of my time to teach people one on one, there's got to be a better way. With that, I realized, well, I'm not going to be working. I need to do something with my time I need to be able to give back. I need to be able to help people because that's what I really love to do. What I started to do was I started writing a book I said, you know what? People have so many good questions. They're all good questions, but they're beginner questions. If I could write a book and just give that to somebody and say read this book, then I can help you because this will answer a lot of your questions.

I wrote the book called How To Quit Your Job With A Rental Property I know not very creative at all but that's just straightforward how to quit your job with rental properties, and so as I would give that to somebody they would say man that opened my eyes to investing scaling the business to be able to quit now I need actual help like step by step how to do it. In the book, I give you everything that you need to know but at the same time, there are so many nuances that each person has different things so from there with the book I created online basically created the created my YouTube Channel and my Podcast so both YouTube and Podcast for Master Passive Income is literally just me teaching how to invest in real estate step by step and just like you said Brett the first ones are very very bad. YouTube, very bad lighting, a bad video that everything same thing with podcasting, not very good at speaking not very good at saying oh all the time and not doing anything with like making sure that I'm also speaking enunciating all that sort of stuff and as you can tell, I talk very fast because I get excited about this stuff. I love helping people so I get really excited and things come out really really fast I had to really learn how to hone my craft.

Now with everything from my courses my coaching my real estate investing membership YouTube Channel Podcast all this stuff is literally just trying to get as many people as much information as possible so that they can change their life just like I did now with all this I literally have streams of passive income coming in through all these avenues. Now I do have a river the river of income is my rental properties, in fact, every bit of money that I make outside of real estate goes right back into real estate because that's where I get to keep my money so we can definitely talk about all these things because yes, each one is a craft podcasting is a craft YouTube is a craft writing is a craft everything is a craft.


Thank you for sharing that and I actually want to I want to take this part of the show to say if you are considering starting a YouTube Channel or a Podcast realize that it's okay to start at zero not know a thing but didn't make that first video have that first podcast interview and to reach out to people that can help you out if you know Dustin and me, we're happy to help you to show you give you some guidance or I hired a coach to help me launch my podcast we did like a 28-day challenge and he's an amazing coach. He's a business coach. He's so many other things and podcasting has changed my career forever and it's one of the most enjoyable things like Dustin's in Arizona, I'm in California. I was traveling to New York last week I was on you know, a webinar and a podcast, and I'll be in Florida I'll be all over, and the cool thing is, something that you can go from anywhere, and record anywhere and make content and create content, which is really neat, at the end of the day, and make an impact for others with the gifts and talents you've been given. If you have those gifts and those talents. Which I know you do. Now, how do you create content by podcasting and YouTubing I want to encourage you to take that first step even if you're scared and nervous because that's where dust and I when we first started, and now, now we help a lot of people.

That being said, you mentioned something that was really interesting. You said I have all these multiple streams of income, but really for the focus of investing back into real estate, and I want to really narrow down on this concept here, and it's a quote by Robert Kiyosaki, I was just listening to him was actually on the BiggerPockets Podcast and it was an amazing interview you haven't listened to it it was about Episode 500 for bigger pockets, and it just released a few weeks ago, and it's on YouTube and on everything else. But that being said, he said the purpose of a business is to invest in real estate. He says the purpose of a business is to rest in real estate and once you understand that, you understand so many things and the purpose to invest in real estate is for the tax advantage and the ability to leverage up and get depreciation on income. It's the foundation of being able to create and preserve more well part of quitting the day job or part of getting away from the nine to five is because a lot of that is is is building wealth on a scale that's let's say playing not to lose the right and I didn't learn this until really I was at you know Marcus and Millichap and really when start reading Rich Dad Poor Dad in different books where Robert Kiyosaki, but I'm curious on your thoughts on that Dustin, he said, I want to invest more in real estate would you touch on your strategy there and how you use that to decrease your taxes.


I love buying a piece of property and then having my taxes get so much less because of a few different things. Number one, let's say you don't have any businesses, but you are a doctor and you're making a lot of money while you're making a lot of money, but you're going to be paying a lot of money in taxes. Why not take that money that you would be paying for taxes, buy a piece of property with it, and the depreciation alone is literally going to destroy the amount of taxes you're going to pay. For me, as I make money through whatever means I have from I make ads from YouTube. They pay me money for Having my YouTube videos out there, all of that, from my books or my coaching, all that stuff literally goes back into buying rental properties. Now here's the great thing. Obviously, you have depreciation, which I love, like nobody really understands how amazing depreciation it is until they actually have their accountant put it inside their taxes, and they're like, look at all the money I saved. From there, I also have a property that's making me money to buy more properties, then I take that money to buy more properties, and then that makes me even more money to buy more properties. But on top of that, two other things. Number one, I have so much more time to create more businesses, I literally have five businesses right now create more businesses to buy more properties, and in the long run, the second thing is, I can literally give and will literally give number one, these properties, but also number two, these businesses, to my kids like if you're watching this, you can see my kids in the background, that my four kids, they're fantastic, I'm going to build up the businesses and my real estate so I can literally give it to them. Now I'm not gonna they're not gonna be like trespassing babies, or anything like that, they're literally going to work it in the business. But what we're doing is we're creating generational wealth, but everything goes back into real estate because we hold our wealth in real estate, we make money from that wealth, and then we buy more real estate.

Retire Early By Investing In Real Estate: “Your boss is only paying you enough to keep you working without quitting, but not so much that takes money out of their pocket. You are worth so much more than anybody could ever pay you.” - Dustin Heiner


Beautiful, that makes perfect sense, and I want our listeners to picture this strategy here, and the first thing to think about is one way to think about your job if you want to become very wealthy and have passive income, your job purpose is to go buy real estate. Your W2 as quickly as you can to buy real estate. Why because you want to build up opportunities for losses through what's called depreciation to offset income. Now, that loss is offset by passive income right to passive losses passive income unless you're doing your real estate professional and it's your full-time career, then you can qualify under something else that allows you to accelerate depreciation and offset your actual income. But the first stage is changing the mindset to say if I want to be passive, I want to have freedom, I want to be able to retire from the W2 not have to just put it into, the stock market 401 K's IRA’s is to be able to buy enough real estate to offset not only the passive income on that real estate, but also potentially even active income, and so I want you to picture four towers, and there are four towers and the first tower would be your income tower, and that income tower can be W2 income or it can be a business income, ideally, you're gonna get as much business income as you can.

That neck or passive income, the second tower is going to be depreciation. You have to ask yourself is if what I own is not able to depreciate off my taxes, then I'm going to be paying more in taxes, which leads into the third tower, which is leverage. If you can leverage enough meeting good taking on smart debt to buy real estate to depreciate, for example, let's say you had a $300,000 downpayment, you could buy a million-dollar apartment complex, you can depreciate a big majority of that, even within the first couple of years, as much as maybe 25% of that million dollars. Let's say you're making $250,000 of cash flow, you can offset that with the depreciation and you could walk away and not be given near income-tax-free on that passive income. There are different towers, and if you don't have one, two, or three or four of these, you're not building wealth as fast or as efficiently as you can and there's a really cool video on this too. By the way, the last towers taxes. Most people are stuck between the W2 tower and which is big income perhaps, and then big taxes and they don't have any of the real estate tower or the or the passive income tower or the depreciation tower, and so they're just paying the most amount of taxes. Robert Kiyosaki said, Well, he goes Dustin, he goes, the middle class, they're paying all the taxes, and in the lower castes, they may or may not pay taxes based upon their income levels. But how do you shift that? Well, you got to get some depreciation, you got to get some offset.

Any thoughts on that Dustin, as far as smart debt versus dumb debt. Because dumb debt would say you're buying it on personal stuff. Which doesn't get to appreciate it, and it's and and and or depreciates in value, but you're not able to offset your income, or as you're leveraging to buy smart debt to get into real estate you. Any thoughts on that? Dustin?


I've literally used my leverage of basically getting loans. I've even used signature loans, credit card debt, I've done all these things to buy more real estate because I found out if I buy one rental property that makes me $250 a month in passive income, and that's the minimum I have many properties that make me 567 $800 a month in passive income. If I buy that properly account for the expense of buying a property a mortgage would be one get it like I said I've even its advanced strategy, but using a credit card. I've even used that and I Still made $250 a month in passive income. Here's what I did for the first property I bought back in 2006. I took every bit of money that my wife and I had, she had a lot of money when she had $15,000. That was a lot of money back then. It still is a lot of money now, but I took that $15,000 bought our first property literally went like out of money, bought that first property.

Then I refinanced pulled all that cashback out and a little bit extra, so I can buy the next property, then I refinance that property pulled the cash out of that one, to buy two more properties. Then I did signature loans. I've even done bundle loans, did commercial loans, all these other loans to get basically making more money because Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki says, “Good debt puts money in your pocket, bad debt pulls money back out.” If you buy a car, that's not making you money, just costing you money, that's bad debt, it's depreciating in value. But you're it's not depreciating on your taxes. If you have a house, a rental property that is making you money, a minimum, like my suggestion, aero master passive income, a minimum of $250 a month in passive income, that's money that goes in your pocket or goes to buy more properties, you get depreciation on that as well.

But you're using other people's money using the bank's money, and here's the great thing, when I do all those cash-out refinances, that's a tax-free loan, that I'm going to be paying back. But here's the thing, I am not paying my mortgage, I'm not paying my taxes, I don't pay my insurance, I don't pay my property manager, my tenants pay for all that because I account for every single one of those expenses beforehand. From there, I make sure I can rent it for more than I make that difference of passive income, all-round everything up to say that good debt will literally get you more money to buy more properties, and that's how I scaled to 30 plus properties now is by leveraging and figuring out ways and here's another great thing, there are loads of ways to get money to buy properties. A mortgage is just one, there are so many backs I have one YouTube video where I literally go through 14 different ways to get money to buy a property, and each bit of ways, each one of the 14 ways is a tool for you. Let's say you have a property you want to buy. It's a tool like okay, here's a property want to buy, what tool is going to fit into this property to buy it. Leverage is by far the best way to grow and scale. In fact, almost the only way to scale your business.


Excellent. Maybe. Let me give you the number 15. There is another way to access capital, which has been pretty revolutionary. If you're the story of the four-minute mile, Dustin, where for the longest time, no one believed you can run the four-minute mile. In fact, there was a lot of doctors, a lot of professionals who said the body itself would, your heart would burst your lungs would collapse because it couldn't take the pressure of being able to do that under four minutes, and then in 1934, this guy in England with six other guys he breaks the mile by himself within the next number of years now there's been 1400 but I think in the next nine months, there's like 50 people who did it. It's anyways he broke this thing because people have a false belief of what's possible. What they can do, because we're conditioned to learn things in certain ways, right, but I want to add an extra speaker, I believe we broke the four-minute mile on the way of raising capital, and the way of unlocking capital is through something called the Deferred Sales Trust, and it's applying to cryptocurrency, and as of 60 days ago, we closed our first cryptocurrency deal.

This particular gentleman worked in the Silicon Valley and for many years corporate he married two kids, and he bought Ethereum and bit Bitcoin at a very low number around $100,000, where that value went up to about 13 million combined. He had about a $12.9 million gain, and so he's able to sell defer the tax, and then he's going to, invest in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and also into real estate when it makes sense. But here's the key here. That crypto at 100,000 worth 13 million wasn't working for him as the real estate could be working for him on the depreciation side, and so fast forward we've now just closed our second one as of this weekend. Likewise bought at very low also happened to be a Silicon Valley used to be a W two hurt net now he's retired because his has done very well she has done very well to be able to have a ton of appreciation, and the goal here is to start a business which can also get some depreciation offset, and so all of this being said it's a cool way tax-deferred without using 1031 to raise capital to buy deals to do business stuff all on a way that that can get you more close to that Rich Dad strategy versus that Poor Dad strategy. Any thoughts on that Dustin?


That sounds amazing. I love the idea of being able to utilize a text or a 1031 Exchange is what most realtors and real estate investors and people who are in real estate think that's the only way to actually save money on taxes as a 1031 Exchange, but those 1031 Exchange rules are just irritating and you have a timeframe and all that sort of stuff. I think absolutely using that deferred sales stretch is gonna be so much better because I remember having you on my show, telling people how to use the Deferred Sales Trust that got a lot of people thinking about oh my goodness There are other ways to make sure that you have money and not have the IRS government take as much money out of it as possible but at the same time you're able to leverage that I mean I love the idea of being able to save money on taxes and buy more properties and but the same time if you're going to buy something that doesn't depreciate in taxes like as the depreciation for your taxes that's a really hard thing for me now it's good for appreciation where you know the value of eath goes up Ethereum goes up but at the same time I love value going up and getting tax depreciation as well.


Exactly right so we call the sell high buy low. Exactly you want to look at all of these levers of either highly appreciated public stock, private stock businesses real estate, and you want to look at it as a chessboard right and say what's the best one to maximize the value as it pertains to my return on equity as it pertains to my depreciation schedule as it pertains to my overall income tax write and then also like a theorem or Bitcoin. Because as soon as you can get this capital and I was explaining this to my new Deferred Sales Trust client who's she selling the Bitcoin? I'm like look, that capital is locked out there and you're in they might be hedging it or what was the word? Taking it and loaning it and getting some income off of that but that is paying ordinary income tax on that. I said the government is in the business of incentivizing us to do what it wants to steal What does it want us to do? Well, it needs housing, it needs a home, it needs apartment complexes, it needs things that are going to help keep people with a roof over the head so they incentivize with these tax incentives.

I explained that and I said look so if you sell an extra 5 million and we move it into the trust guess what we can go buy some real estate that's worth 15 and you can get the full depreciation schedule on that right all tax deferred and then the income that's coming off of the trust and coming off of the asset can potentially be no tax in that given year this and so once they understand that outcome, it changes it changes the way they they think and look at strategy so again, you can learn more about that at we also have a webinar webinar every single Friday at 10am PST we're talking all things cryptocurrency we're talking all things Deferred Sales Trust all things commercial real estate, and trying to bring those three worlds combined by using the Deferred Sales Trust I can go to and you can register totally free everyone's invited newbies smart people clients every you know people are just starting out I had to start out in no anything in 2009 and now I'm an expert because I spent a lot of time with people who know what they're doing so again go to and register. That being said Dustin, we are running out of time for listeners who want to get in touch with you, would you remind them where they can find you?


I also have a free course if anybody wants it. You can also get my real estate investing course if you just are curious about it showing you all the depreciation everything we talked about how to build a business and scale it you got to all one word /freecourse Master Passive Income Free Course. I'll give that to you show you everything and you could even text the word rental, r e n, t, a, l, to 33777. Rental 33777 I'll give that to you right away plus you can also listen to my Podcast Master Passive Income where I teach this I have also had Brett on there talking about all this great stuff. Check me out there on YouTube, I have lots of videos teaching about real estate just to look up master passive income anywhere you can find me.


Dustin, I want to thank you for being on the show, and thank you for sharing so much wisdom, just talking about your journey, and I want to encourage you to keep using the gifts of communication and encouraging inspiring others to take action with their investing with their real estate future for their families and for their communities, and I also want to thank our listeners for listening to another episode of the Capital Gains Tax Solutions Podcast. We're also streaming on where we believe most high net worth individuals and those who help them they struggle with clarifying their capital gains tax deferral options. Not having a clear plan is the enemy of using a proven tax deferral strategy such as the Deferred Sales Trust is the best way for you to sell a rental property a business cryptocurrency a primary home luxury homes, all tax-deferred you can create and preserve more wealth. Again, I really want to encourage you to go to to learn more, please rate review subscribe to the channel. We so appreciate everyone out there.

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